Wednesday, August 22, 2007


How much is too much? When do you decide to leave a church? I guess back in the days when there was only one "church", people had no choice. It was either go to church or don't. But nowadays we have way too many choices, esp here where I live. It's incredibly easy to hop from church to church, and I've always sort of looked down on those who do. Since I moved here 16 years I've belonged to two churches, one of which no longer exists. I've always believed in commitment. Dig in my heels, grit my teeth and stay put, no matter what. I tell myself there's no such thing as a perfect church, not in this world.

But how much is too much? When a church refuses to change, to grow? When you no longer can respect the leadership?

On the other hand, when there was only one church and people stayed put, I suppose the church had no choice but to change and grow with the people. When there are so many people coming and going, a church can stay the same and still seem fresh to the new people coming in.

Long story short, for a number of reasons I'm starting to look around for a new church.

I've not officially left the old one yet, and I feel a sadness, almost a mourning, but at the same time a new sense of freedom, like I'm breaking out of an oppressive cocoon and being given a chance to spread my wings.

Oy. Can we say Drama Queen, boys and girls?

I'll miss my friends, tho some I will see, and the majority of them are already gone anyway. I'm looking forward to making new friends and (hopefully) meeting more people who are like me.

1 comment:

Larissa said...

Are you still participating with the worship team? Handbells?